03 July 2009

How to upload and seed a torrent

How to upload and seed a torrent on a torrent site/server?


First of all you need to register to a bitorrent site/server.


Second you need to be carefull with the site(s) you chose to upload since they have they're own set of rules and restrictions, and some or specialized in only a few domains like movies only, tv series only, anime only, porn etc. If you upload something witch that site sayd is forbiden to upload you're upload will be deleted imediately and you have nice chances of getting banns from 15days up to permanent banns, so be careful what you're uploading, in what section you're uploading it, and always read the rules to a site before uploading anything.


After you make an acc, most of these sites require email confirmation before you're acc can be accesable, so when making an acc insert in a valid email adress.


You just made an acc on an everyday/private torrent tracker witch you have chosen, and now you want to upload on it you're first upload whatever that would be. I'll try to be as specific as i can in this guide.
Download a BitTorrent client witch supports not only downloading but uploading(seeding) and "Create a torrent" option as also, if the BitTorrent client you have downloaded does not work in doing what i wrote above get rid of it and get uTorrent or BitSpirit or any other if you like as long as it respects the requirements i wrote above. Usually every torrent client are like 85% the same(the same as in having similar options).


BitSpirit(my favorite)


You downloaded and just installed a torrent client, and now you're thinking of making and uploading you're first torrent.
I'll guide you through using BitSpirit(don't be scared or angry if you're using something else, since as i wrote above, 85% of torrent clients have almost the exact option names and features).
Open BitSpirit, go at the top left of BS and find an option called "Functions" at other torrents you might find this not here but in "File > Add Torrent(no default save)...". After you find "Functions" click on "Make Torrent", after clicking this, you will be asked what do you want to insert in you're torrent, usually they are called "Source File(s)". If you are planning to upload only 1 single file i.e. audio track(MP3), single zip/rar file, etc. then chose "Single File", if you want to upload a folder with more files or folders in it then chose "Directory (Multi Files)" or you can chose "Directory (One By One)" witch lets generate a torrent file for each file in the directory(not including sub directory) but i haven't tryied this "Directory (Multi Files" feature yet, and i dont want to talk about things i have not tryied. Then browse for the "content" you want to make as a torrent by pressing the button "Browse" or "..." options. After you selected you're content's file(s) you will see under it a small label with above it, written "Tracker List" if you do not insert in that small label/box a tracker then you're torrent will be dead and of no use(at least thats what happend to me the first time i tryied to upload something). How to find trackers? Usually at any torrent you download if you double click on it and go at "Tracker List" you will see there what trackers it's uploader has inserted, or you can read as i sayd the torrent site rules and there at the uploading FAQ you should be seeing some torrent trackers recomended by that site. I for one am inserting ALL these trackers to my uploaded torrents:

But if you're a newbie and don't want to complicate you're self simply add one of the trackers above. After you added you're content and you're tracker(s) browse for a location where to save the torrent and simply click "Make Torrent" or "Create" or whatever it's called at other BitTorrent clients.


Once you have made the torrent you want to upload on a torrent site, you have to do the following:
- Open you're browser
- Go to the site you have chosen to host the torrent and registered at
-Try to find an option like "Upload a torrent" or go to you're settings and try to find "My Uploads" you might be able to upload the torrent from there if you can't find the "Upload a torrent" option. After you have clicked "Upload a torrent" a small windows should pop with an option like "Browse" here you have to browse for the torrent you have made with BitSpirit or other bit torrent client you downloaded. After you did that, you will to select a category and a sub category something like: Category - Movies, Sub Category - Action, Drama, SCI-FI etc, understand what i mean? This is just an example, hope you guys got it. BTW be sure to select the right category for you're torrent since some admins on some sites, are to lazy to move them at the proper category and they will delete you're torrent. After you have uploaded you're torrent, and chose it's Category and Sub Category click upload, and you're browser will get white like 5seconds(from uploading the torrent and then auto-refresh) after that a small window will appear saying "Click here to view you're torrent" Once you have done this you're torrent will have 1 Seeds and 0 Leechers, or maybe at some sites you'll have 0 Seeds and 0 Leechers, depends where you're hosting it.


Anyways if it's 1 Seeds and 0 Leechers most probably you cannot seed it until it is beying downloaded and Leechers are added to it. The system goes like this: with the passing time you're seeds are decreasing slowly and if many people are downloading you're upload then leechers will be added to you're torrent around 3x-4x-5x faster then by just beying there and not beying downloaded. Very few people are seeding, many are just snatching the torrent and running away with it. Unfortunately, i was doing the same...until i learned how to seed my, and other peoples torrents. After you're download hase Reached 0 Seeds and alot of Leechers or 1-2 Seeds and a tone of Leechers you can go to it(on the site) click on it, save as, and save it on desktop or wherever you like. After that, open it, and instead of tipically download it, go to a small box in the right(if you're using BitSpirit) and you'll find something like: "Download File(s)" click on it's right and select "Seeding File(s)" after doing so, under it there should be something like "Save to:", at "Save to:" instead of selecting a location where to download the torrent, select the location where the "Source File(s)" witch you have originally made the torrent out of, are located. It is very important you have not alterated the "Source File(s)" after you already made the torrent, if you do so it will result in the torrent unable to be seeded, and you just wasting you're time, only thing you can do is move it somewhere but dont change anything in it(if it's a folder that is) otherwise there wil be problems. After you selected the download location the "Source File(s)" of the torrent, you can click "OK" and that's it! Everytime the torrent has alot of leeches it will automatically start seeding the torrent you have uploaded. it should be looking something like DL speed 0kb/s, UL speed 5kb/s-150kb/s depending on you're internet connexion speed. To seed a torrent you have downloaded do the same as you have did seeding you're own torrent. To seed someone elses torrent, you first need to have the torrent already downloaded. After doing so just open the torrent select Seeding, and chose it's location, and now you can seed the movie or game you wanted so much and finally found it as i wrote above few are seeding the torrents they have downloaded from others, so it will be ou're choise if you are going to be one of them, or you are going to be one of thoes little thiefs witch just snatches the upload and runes, and does not thank the uploader by seeding the file he had hosted. I forgot to mention, if you chose to seed someone elses torrent, you must not modify it's "Source Files(s)" witch you have downloaded, otherwise it will not work. That's it! Now you know how to create and host a torrent on a torrent site/server and how to seed you're uploads and other peoples uploads. I apologies for the long tutorial, but when i write a walkthrough i want to be as precise as possible. If anyone has any questions feel free to post it or PM me.
